On Borrowed Time (Men of Honor book 3) Read online

Page 4

  “Busy day?” She turned her head towards him, curious.

  “You’re coming to the races baby.”



  Engines roared, metal tools clanked and gears whined as the drivers made last minute checks and repairs. Kane, who rarely checked his vehicle, leaned on Ace’s hood, arms folded across his chest. Their women huddled close together talking. White puffs of breaths swirling around excited faces in the frigid morning air. Alana in tight black jeans, black sweater, and leather jacket reminded him of a kick ass female temptress. His eyes drifted to her so often, he constantly banged his knuckles, and dropped his tools. Fuck but he was losing his focus and it was all because of her.

  “She ain’t bad to look at man, but if you don’t pay attention to what you’re doing you gonna fuck up your engine.” Kane said with a grin plastered across his face.

  “I’m making sure she doesn’t make a break for it.” Ace mumbled.

  “What the fuck ever. You got it bad for that one, admit it.” Kane punched him on the shoulder.

  Ace winced, even Kane’s play punches stung.

  “I take it she’s not a murderer?” David asked.

  “He rushed her and the gun went off, so she says.” Ace shrugged.

  David stood a few steps away, dressed in tan slacks and black polo shirt. “I believe her.”

  “You up and believe her, that’s it? Man, you’re never that trusting of anybody.” Ace slammed down his hood, wiping his hands.

  “I follow my instincts. I get nothing negative off Alana, she’s caught in a desperate situation and she’s afraid, but she’s not lying.” David placed his hand on Ace’s shoulder. “We have to deal with Bates. I called in a few favors.”

  “I don’t want you in this. We’re dealing with an unknown and it could get messy.”

  David caught Ace’s gaze and held it. “You’re family. We handle our business as a family. Whenever I needed you, your ass was always front and center, no questions asked. Now you need us and we got your back. When I call you brother, I mean it.”

  Ace’s throat tightened. “I know David, I know. We protect each other no matter what, but I have a bad feeling about this.”

  “Bad feeling? You don’t get bad feelings. You operate on facts, not emotions. Who the hell are you?” Kane frowned, tilting his head.

  “I…” Ace shook his head. “Fuck if I know right now.”

  “Well, get it figured out before you crash and burn out there on the track.” David threw over his shoulder, as he pushed through the gate separating the drivers from the spectators.

  Ace glanced over at Alana. She was eyeing a small group of women standing at the gate. The groupies showed up at every event, wanting to hook up with the drivers. Maybe it was something in the smell of gasoline that drew them, who knew. They were staring and smiling his way. As Kane breezed past them, Ace watched the group as a whole follow him with their eyes. Kane went straight to Dawn, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her for good luck. The women’s faces fell, but then their eyes swung back in his direction. Alana’s unblinking gaze remained on him.

  Her face stark and solemn, she chewed her bottom lip. Was she comparing herself to those women? Didn’t she know that there was no comparison? The groupies were sexy and young and out for a casual sexual experience. Ace had always been down for that. The way Alana looked at him, as if she expected him to jump right into the group and pick out one of them to fuck, as if he were picking a pair of socks. That stung. He rarely took home a groupie, because at times they were hella clingy. He definitely didn’t do clingy.

  He didn’t know why, but Alana seeing him as a player made him feel small, unworthy. Ace threw down his dirty towel and stalked towards Alana. He’d show her just who he wanted. Shit, his dick was hard for one sexy, purple banged, nerd, who rocked black leather and exploded like a firecracker in his arms. His firecracker. As Ace approached the group of woman, one of them grabbed his arm, beaming up at him and pushing her huge breast up for his inspection. Ace smiled back and gently removed her hand from his arm.

  “Enjoy the race ladies.” He said as he moved passed them.

  As he approached Alana, her attention remained steady on his face. She stood there, the picture of a badass boss bitch. Cold winds whipped her brown tresses wildly around her face, hazel eyes sparkled, and her body screamed come and get me. Ace didn’t hesitate, he gathered her into his arms, luscious curves fitting perfectly against him.

  “A kiss for good luck, firecracker?”

  Her eyes smiled first, then full lips curled up, dimples making an appearance as Ace watched, caught up in the transformation. His heart constricted and his feet faltered. Unexplainable, that dropping sensation in the pit of his stomach when she was close. Fuck, but he wanted Alana Ruiz. Ace dealt with facts, not feelings. Fact, she wasn’t the type of woman he dated. Fact, she wasn’t some black widow murderer. Fact, she was going to be his.

  She latched onto him. It rocked Ace off his game for a second, the roar of desire that tackled him. He was the seducer, not the other way round. Right? Shockingly warm and electrifying, her tongue traced the seam of his lips. She delved inside with a moan of sweet satisfaction and then a groan of dawning desire. Sliding his fingers around the back of her neck and along the curve of her hip, Ace fell into her heat. Delectable and so damn sweet, a delicious cool mint taste that flooded all his senses. Locking her in his embrace, he deepened the kiss, damn, but she was making the sexiest humming sounds as she wrapped herself around him. Revved up and as ready as the high performance engines on the course, his dick jerked vigorously to life.

  Alana pulled away. “Good luck.”

  “With a kiss as hot as that, who the fuck needs luck.” Ace gave her bottom one last squeeze. Fire raced through his blood. After he took first place, his firecracker would be bare assed and screaming in his bed, win, win.


  The chaotic energy streaming off the mass of people surrounding her had Alana’s stomach in knots. Paranoia combined with Ace’s intoxicating kiss was pushing her panic level to alarming heights. Ace Jackson was trouble. She wanted things that could never be because of him. The wall she erected to distance herself from people was crumbling. Ace made her long for a future with him, but with her life in such a shambles, would there even be a future for her.

  She sat alongside Alex, Dawn and David watching the drivers position their cars on the track. Alana was shocked that amateur auto racing drew such huge crowds. People packed the bleachers, yelling and cheering for their favorite drivers. Ace’s black and electric blue car lined up next to Kane’s bright red and black car. Brightly colored logos from local businesses decorated the cars, Kane’s and Ace’s sported only two letters. MS, for McAdams Securities.

  “So, you and Ace?” Alex asked, leaning across Dawn. Alex was the friendliest person Alana had come across in a long while. She exuded the happy confidence of a woman who was at peace with her life.

  “Me and Ace?” Alana frowned.

  “So the thing is. Dawn and I have been running a little bet since last night.” Alex grinned.

  “A bet?”

  “Uh-huh, I think you are the one for Ace. Dawn on the other hand is a pessimist. She believes that Ace is too much of a player to settle down, and that he has trust issues. But, I can see the way he looks at you and I know deep down he wants a serious relationship.” Alex nodded.

  “I wouldn’t bet any money on me Alex. Ace and I just met. There’s chemistry between us but, we got issues.”

  “Well, there is the fact that he’s a cop and you, well, killed a guy.” Dawn pointed out. “A rampaging lunatic, but still…”

  “Oh, get over yourself. Esteban deserved a lot worse. Ace will handle Bates and then the two of them will have no issues standing in their way.” Alex shrugged, giving Alana a reassuring smile.

  “It’s not that simple, even if Bates were out of the picture, I‘m still not his type.” Alana waved a hand up and
down her body.

  She was saved from elaborating by the announcer calling for the drivers to start their engines. Thunderous applause and shouts arose from the crowd. Car engines roared, vibrating the air. Everyone jumped to their feet as the starting light flashed green. Alana’s heart rate accelerated. The cars took off around the track, they whizzed by maneuvering the course at impossible rates of speed. Ace’s car was closing in fast on the leader. Alana’s pulse was pumping. She waved her hands in the air. Paranoia forgotten as she yelled her lungs out for Ace to catch the leader.

  She gripped Dawn’s hand as they jumped and screamed with the crowd. No wonder Ace enjoyed this so much. The man drove that car as he lived his life, boldly, meticulously. He advanced through the pack until there was only one car between him and Kane in the first place position. It was impossible to control her exhilaration as she pushed power out of herself to him, fighting right alongside him for the win. He was so close to winning. Pride in him blazed through her as he pulled alongside the car in second, then terror gripped her as the car drifted mere inches away from him. One wrong move and they would crash, one bump an Ace could spin out. Alana clutched her chest to hold her heart inside her body. They crossed the finish line in a blur, so close she didn’t know who won.

  Kane took the checkered flag and Ace came in third. By the time the race was over Alana was bouncing up and down on her heels waiting to congratulate Ace. Sure, he didn’t place first, but that didn’t matter one bit to her. She was proud of him and wanted to show him. Why the hell not? The day was wonderful; Alex and Dawn were fun and chatted with her like girlfriends. She missed that a lot since Rosa was gone. The crowd was heading out. Alex and David left to pick up Jordan. Kane and Dawn kept her company until Ace could join them. Kane led Dawn away as Ace stepped out the complex.

  Ace strolled over to her. He had changed from his jumpsuit and was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. Alana hid a smile. Even in casual clothes, Ace was male model material. His body was not the only thing that was attractive, the way he carried himself with easygoing confidence made a person want to be in his circle.

  “Hey, you were awesome, Mr. Jackson.” She told him.

  “Thanks, but third wasn’t what I was shooting for.”

  “Third place is a heck of a lot better than last place, right?”

  “Third place is a heck of a lot worse than first place.” Ace crouched down so that they were on eye level.

  Alana placed her hands on his face and gazed into his eyes. “Mr. Jackson, are you a sore loser?”

  Ace laughed. “Yes, and I need someone to help me through this tragic loss. Can you give me solace, Ms. Ruiz?

  “I want to help you Ace, I do, but what can I possibly do to help you get over this devastation?” Alana ran her tongue across her lips, then linked her hands behind his neck.

  Ace growled deep in his throat, lust sparked in his brown eyes. “Let’s go. I’ll show you what you can do.”

  Alana grabbed his offered hand. Ace rushed pass the few vehicles left in the parking lot. He decided to drive his old Honda at the last minute claiming, with a laugh, he didn’t want to hit any more women with his truck.

  Alana face planted into his back as Ace came to a sudden stop.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I smell gasoline.” He eyed his car and then the ground.

  “I’ve been smelling gasoline all day Ace. But yeah, the smell is pretty strong here.” Alana’s insides froze. A motorcycle sped towards them, its rider dressed all in black holding something shiny and flickering a strange orange glow. As he got closer, Alana could tell it was a bottle with a strip of burning cloth at the end.

  “Ace, run!”

  He grabbed her hand and took off. He was a muscular guy, built for action. His long legs ate up the space. Alana pumped her legs hard to keep up, but they were still too close to the vehicle and the speeding bike. Daring to glance over her shoulder, her heart jumped into her throat as the rider toss the flaming bottle. Time slowed down as the car instantly blazed white, then exploded, shooting into the air in a million pieces of fiery twisted metal. The shock wave sent them into the air, then crashing down onto the concrete. Alana ate gravel as her arms and knees slid along the hard surface. Air whooshed out of her body as all of Ace’s immense weight landed on her back. Deep thunderous pulses assaulted her head and her body screamed with pain. The world was eerily silent and extremely hot. Ace pushed off her then lifted her up. His mouth was moving, but she couldn’t tell what he was saying. Car parts and burning debris rained down all around her.

  The spinning of her head decreased and her hearing was slowly returning. The motorcycle’s engine reverberated like distant thunder. Alana didn’t have time to figure out where the rider was. Ace was pulling, half dragging her behind him. Her legs burned and her knees throbbed from sliding across the hard ground. Ignoring the pain, she kept pace with Ace. They ran out of the parking area, towards what appeared to be a dead end, parking lot behind them and expressway in front of them. Ace skidded to a halt at the entrance of a tunnel that ran under the expressway.

  “Alana are you ok?” He asked, as his large hands swept up and down her body.

  “I can barely hear you.” Alana gave her head a shake. Her voice sounded small and far away.

  “Your screaming, firecracker.” Ace put his finger to her lips, shifting their bodies into the shadows of the tunnel. “Motorcycle guy is still up there. A busy burger joint is two blocks away. We’re running for it.”

  Alana had trouble understanding. It felt as if her ears were full of cotton. Ace was busy texting someone still covering her with his body.

  “Ace?” she whispered, “Are you calling David?”

  “No, the police.”

  Alana gasped. “Don’t call them; he’s probably one of them.”

  “There are a few honest cops out there babe, and these guys I trust.”

  The bike’s wheels screeched to a stop on the road above their heads. The engine cut off.

  “Fuck.” Ace shoved her behind him and sprinted for the tunnel opening. Alana’s hand ached, he gripped it so tightly. Before they reached the opposite end of the tunnel, the dark clothed man dropped down blocking their exit. His gun aimed at them.

  “Ok, motherfucker. It’s me you want, here I am. Let the woman go.” Ace shouted.

  The man shifted his head from side to side. No, he wanted them both and they were too far away from him for Ace to rush him. She had to do something. What came to mind was shitty, scary as hell for her and just plain shitty for Ace.


  Alana pulled her hand from his grasp. Ace felt her step from behind him. What the fuck was she doing?

  “Good, you’re here.” Alana moved out into the open pushing away from Ace. “Bates was right, he fell for it like the sucker he is.”

  The helmet swiveled in her direction. Ace’s heart dropped to his feet. Alana was strutting towards the man. Damn that bitch. So, this was a set up all along. He knew she was too damn good to be true.

  “Stop right there, bitch.” Came the muffled reply. “You’re my target Ruiz. You and the rat.”

  Alana placed her hand to her chest. “I’m a better actress than I realized, you actually believed I was with him.” She stepped closer.

  Ace’s rage constricted his chest, his heart turned cold. Alana was bait all along and he’d stepped into her trap so easily it was pathetic.

  “Stop, or I’ll shoot your ass right where you stand. Bates didn’t tell me you were still working for us.”

  “Well, I am and together we got fucking Ace Jackson. Bates will shit himself when we bring him in. Hell, I can’t wait for my reward, what about you?” Alana was right in front of the guy now.

  Ace took a step back since the assailant was busy trying to figure out who the fuck to shoot. Ace needed him to stay focused on Alana. He reached for the gun strapped to his hip. Before he could pull the gun up, Alana struck out with her arm, in a short chop that knocked the gun from
the man’s hand. It flew across the tunnel hitting the stone wall and discharging. Ace ducked, as a bullet ricocheted off the tunnel wall.

  Ace’s jaw dropped. Alana attacked the man with brutal kicks to the midsection, and a roundhouse kick to his head that sent his helmet flying and brought him to his knees. Ace stood so completely transfixed by Alana’s martial arts skills that he almost forgot to help.

  He grabbed his gun, got to the dude as he stood, wobbling. He had a buzz cut, scruffy beard and his clothes were filthy and rank. Where the fuck did Bates, get this psycho? Ace landed a punch to the dude’s jaw. His head snapped back, and he fell to his knees. Ace brought a knee up into the man’s face. Grunting, his attacker toppled over into the grimy gray water on the floor of the tunnel.

  “Thanks for saving me.” Alana gave a slight grin, then gazed deep into his eyes. “You thought I was one of them didn’t you?”

  Ace searched her face. She was something special all right. The way she kicked their attacker’s ass was remarkable. Ace found it hard to believe this was the same shy woman from last night.

  “Yes, I did.”

  Sirens sounded in the distance, getting closer. “I knew you would Ace, I’m sorry. It was the quickest way to get close enough to disarm him.”

  There was worry in her voice, but she kept her face up to him. Grim lines of her stress prominent around her eyes. She was a fighter. She had to work with the lowest of the low. Forced to infiltrate and work for a drug cartel by a piece of shit cop. Her friend was murdered and through her broken heart and grief, she had to work for Bates or go to jail. Now, standing in this filthy tunnel after beating the shit out of their attacker, she was sorry. Shit, she saved their asses and she was sorry.

  Ace gathered her into his arms. She felt so right there. Alana Ruiz was his firecracker. He felt humbled at the incredible depth of this woman. Her spark of life almost extinguished but still it struggled to ignite into flame. The cop cars screech to a halt at the entrance. He gave Alana one last squeeze. She snuggled in closer, sweet woman.

  Before the world came crashing into their moment, Ace whispered. “Thank you for saving me. My firecracker, you were badass.”