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On Borrowed Time (Men of Honor book 3) Page 9


  Alana gazed around the condo with delight, as Ace helped her out of her Jacket. Strings of white twinkling Christmas lights hung on the mantle and stair rails. Melodic soft tones of Christmas music floated in the background. The familiar aroma of spice, cinnamon and pine brought a smile to her face. No one noticed their entrance; they were too busy decorating a huge Christmas tree. David handed Alex ornaments to hang while Dawn directed Kane where she wanted her decorations to be placed. A perfect family moment.

  “Now that’s a Hallmark card in the making.” Ace said. “Christmas came early and nobody told me?”

  The group turned towards them. “Well Mr. Pretty boy, you show up now that all the hard work is done.” Dawn came forward and gave Ace a playful swat on the arm. “You’re not sick of this one yet?” She asked Alana.

  “He’s growing on me.”

  “Like a fungus? Yeah, I can see that.” Kane came over and tossed his arm around Dawn as David and Alex joined the group.

  “We're so happy you made it. Alana, come in the kitchen with us while I finish up dinner.” Alex took her hand and led her across the room.

  Alana had to smile to herself. Alex was a spitfire of energy. “Your home’s so bright and festive. I love it.”

  “Thanks. This is my favorite time of year.” Alex nodded to a stool. “Sit and let’s chat about our Mr. Jackson.”

  Dawn hopped up on the counter facing Alana and cocked her head to the side. “You look different.”

  “Oh, bad different?” Alana frowned.

  “Nah, not bad. You’re holding your head higher and there’s a little strut in your walk that wasn’t there before.” Dawn looked her in the eyes for a second, then grinned. “Hell yeah, you doing the dirty with Ace aren’t you? Spill the beans girl. What’s up with the two of you?”

  The question made Alana nervous, should she share her fears with these two women? “Honestly?”

  “Of course, honestly. Besides, I think that’s the only way you roll.”

  Alana hesitated, and then the words poured out.

  “We had sex, yes, lots and lots of sex. He’s amazing and I have these strong feelings for him. But, we're in this crazy situation with Bates. Ace quit his job, so he must be going through some emotional transitioning here, and I’m flip flopping between believing he wants me for me and that he’s caught up in protecting me. I’m deathly afraid he will get uninterested the minute the danger is over. He wants a relationship with no strings. I agreed. But I don’t even know what that shit means.” The words finally ran out. She clamped a hand over her mouth, face on fire.

  Alex and Dawn gawked at her for a heartbeat, glanced at each other, and then gave her sympathetic smiles. “We’ve been there, Alana.” Dawn gave a shrug. “Those three men are larger than life, hard as hell, and confusing as fuck.”

  They shared a laugh. “They come into your life and before you know it, your heart is captured.” Alex reached across the counter and squeezed Alana’s hand. “I can tell you’re quiet, unlike the two of us, all mouth and temper. That’s why you’re perfect for Ace. He’s been adrift for a long time, not happy with his job, existing, not living. Now, I see a spark in his eyes that wasn’t there before.”

  “A spark huh?” Alana murmured, glanced over her shoulder, and then shook her head. “No, he didn’t get that spark from me, I’ve brought him nothing but trouble since he’s met me.”

  “Trouble, are you serious. With a killer after me and tugging around a two year old, David still fell for me, go figure.” Alex stated, her eyes going dreamy for a second.

  “And Kane took a bullet from Esteban Blanco when he rescued me. Women with dangerous problems don’t faze them, believe me.” Dawn said around a sugar cookie she was munching on.

  “Well damn, you two have been through a lot.” Alana was impressed. “But I’m facing prison if Bates uses Rosa’s murder weapon against me.”

  Dawn came around the counter and straddled the stool next to her. “What does Ace say about that?”

  Alana sighed. “He promised he won’t let that happen.”

  Dawn grinned, dark eyes sparkling with some secret knowledge. “If Ace told you he’s not going to let it happen then it’s not going to happen.”

  Alana glanced over to Ace. He lounged in a chair facing the kitchen in deep conversation with the McAdams brothers. Glancing up, he spied her ogling him and smiled. Warmth spiraled through her. Her lonely heart swelled in her chest.

  “Alana,” Alex brought her attention back to the kitchen. “From what I know about Ace, he’s never wanted a woman to stick around, strings or no strings. He has his head on straight, both feet firmly planted in reality and if he’s open for a relationship with you, I say go for it. Life is too short. The future isn’t guaranteed to any of us. Live for now, sweetie.”

  Live for now. Alana wanted to do that. Why not, she gave so much of herself to the kids at the home, dedicating her life to them because she never thought she’d have a life of her own. Hope blossomed. Having Ace for as long as possible wasn’t a bad deal. She would love him hard as hell and not worry about the future, assuming Bates didn’t arrest her first. Alex and Dawn were right. This thing between her and Ace felt right. She was a new person now. Time to put old Alana to rest permanently. Step up and boldly take what she wanted and what she wanted more than anything was Ace.


  The holidays were a special time for him. The sights and smells were soothing and brought back memories of him and his dad. His dad was a nut for the season. They decked the house from top to bottom. Ace missed his dad the most at this time of the year. Dad went over the top to make sure he was happy. Being a single father, he must have felt he had a lot to make up for, but he was wrong. Ace decided at the age of thirteen to scrub his heart clean of any feelings for his mother. His dad was enough, more than enough.

  Alana laughed that breathy laugh of hers. For the hundredth time he glanced across the open expanse of the condo at her. Her shiny brown waves hung in one thick braid down her back. She wore a pearl white sweater and forest green skirt that fit snuggly to her ample curves. Damn, but his dick got hard by the sight of her.

  He’d caught her hazel gaze seeking him out a couple of times, and he experienced the same captivation he felt the first night they met. She was special this woman, firmly lodged in his thoughts all the damn time. The truth of it was. He was starting to love thinking about her. The fact that something, someone was important to him at long last felt galvanizing. It was like having a purpose again, a brilliant ray of sunshine in his gray existence. Alana brought him back to life.

  “You’ve been babying that drink and staring at your girl all night. Loosen up bro, she’s not going anywhere.” Kane replied from his perch on the arm of the sofa.

  Ace didn’t respond, what would be the point. Kane was the typical big brother that ribbed him mercilessly, but the man was right. Ace kept her in his sights so much it was bordering on obsessive.

  David rose from stoking the fire and leaned back onto the mantle. “So Lewis is the ‘Ring Man’. I can’t wrap my head around that. From what I know of the man he’s a straight shooter, above reproach.”

  “The man I knew growing up was dependable and honest, but the evidence is that damn ring.” Ace ran a hand across his head and exhaled. “I remember him bragging to my dad about how it was family tradition that the first born male received the onyx.”

  “After talking to you, I contacted the police special task force to let them know about Lewis.”

  “This doesn’t add up. The Chief and Bates.” Ace downed his drink. “Time is running out. Bates is a loose cannon and Lewis is unraveling. Who knows what they will do next. If the surveillance teams don’t catch them in a criminal act, I’m going to have to handle them myself, no witnesses.”

  “We have to wrap this up nice, neat, and legal. I need you on board at McAdams Securities not behind bars.”

  “Hey, you’re the strategist, Kane’s the sharp
shooter, and I’m the covert operator, remember. No one will know it was me. Not a cop anymore boys, and I have to make things safe for Alana above all else.”

  Kane leaned back on the sofa, eyes shining. “What changes one little woman can make. The playboy I knew didn’t give one fuck about a female past the one night stand.”

  “Well, I give a fuck about this one. So if I can’t get that murder weapon from Bates, I’m taking him out, just letting you know.” Ace shrugged, “She’s worried and stressed to hell and back. I need to eliminate all possible threats to her.

  David patted him on the shoulder. “Welcome to the land of the living. You’re experiencing the gut wrenching wonder of new found love.”

  “Who mentioned love? It’s not there yet bro, but it’s something.” Ace admitted.

  Kane and David both laughed out loud. “You don’t have to say shit. You’re falling and it's written plain as day on that mug of yours.” Kane declared.

  “We’ve known each other less than a week. Nobody falls in love in less than a week.” Ace shook his head. “I care for Alana, a lot. She’s an open book, no subterfuge. What you see is what you get with her. I like that. For the first time in my life, I want to take a chance with a woman, with that woman.”

  Ace glanced at the men sitting across from him, wearing mildly shocked expressions. Kane for once, was silent.

  “Well, I’ll be damn.” David stated with a slight upturn of his lips. That was about as close to a smile as David ever really came.

  The women joined them in the living room. Alex pulling David up next to her. Dawn snuggling in close to Kane as he slung an arm around her shoulders. Alana glided up to his chair, grinning as if she had a secret, warming him up on the inside and pulling a matching smile from him. She let out a little breath when he caught her around the waist and pulled her into his lap.

  “Can we skip dinner and go back to bed?” He whispered in her ear.

  Alana wiggled across his growing erection. “I would love nothing more, but I’m enjoying being around your family. Let’s stay for dinner at least.” She kissed him quickly, then placed her head on his shoulder.

  The now familiar warmth of her presence seeped through him, filling him up as if he’d found a long searched for puzzle piece that made him complete. What the fuck am I, a poet now? Jesus, I gotta get my shit together. When he lifted his head, every eye was focused on them. He didn’t give a shit. Let them have their fun. Alana was special and she was his. Love, like, lust, were all titles people tossed around to pin down what they felt. He didn’t need to pin this shit down. He was planning to give the two of them enough time to figure it all out.

  “Before we have dinner, David and I have an announcement.” Alex stood next to David, wild curls tamed and brushed to the side. She was radiant. David gazed down upon his fiancé with pride and so much love it tugged at Ace’s heart.

  “David and I took a little trip to Vegas last week and got married. Surprise!”

  All hell broke loose.

  “What the fuck?” roared Kane?

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Screamed Dawn, jumping to her feet.

  Everyone was talking at the same time.

  “WHY?” Ace yelled over the ruckus.

  A hush fell over the room.

  “Leave it to you detective to get straight to the facts.” David nodded to him, “Now, everyone please take your seats, before you upset my wife.”

  “I’m pregnant. Surprise!” Alex said, scrunching her face, waiting for the second round of hysterics to unfurl.

  “You’re pregnant.” Kane choked out. “How the hell did that happen?”

  David barked out a laugh. “I’m certain Dawn can explain the intricacies of conception to you later, baby brother.” David pulled Alex to his side, securing her there with a thick arm around her waist and one hand over her belly. “I wanted Alex to have my last name while she carries my child. Alex and Jordan are my life and now Jordan will have a brother or sister all his own.”

  “You mean cousin.” Dawn went to Alex hugging her up tight, then pulled back. “I’m still pissed that you didn’t tell me all this, but I’m so happy for you girl, I could burst right now. I love you Allie.” The two friends held each other and let their happy tears flow.

  “Sister… Cousin huh? My sister’s my cousin. Yeah, I saw that show on cable last week.” Kane joked as he gathered Alex in his arms lifting her off the ground.

  “Watch it, bro.” David warned.

  “I’m pregnant not breakable, Mr. Handsome.” Alex told David once back on her feet. “Now that the entertainment is over people, let’s eat.”

  The others headed toward the dining area, Ace held Alana back. His eyes following Alex and David as they shared a lingering kiss before sitting down.

  “I want that, Alana. I want what David and Kane have found.”

  Ace searched her face, clear green eyes shimmered with moisture. What was going on in that lovely head of hers? Was this too soon?

  “I want that too, with you.” She smiled that shy smile of hers that pulled at his heart. “If we have time that is.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and placed her cheek on his chest. Worries over Bates kept her from committing fully and fear of betrayal held him back. They needed a clear shot at making this work between them and that meant putting his issues to rest because Alana wasn’t the deserting or betraying type. She needed the threat of prison gone and Ace made a silent pledge to ensure that her freedom and her future would be secure.


  The food was delicious and the atmosphere was joyous. Alana couldn’t remember another time when she had felt as happy. Alex was an amazing cook, the dinner included honey glazed ham, so sweet and tender it melted in her mouth, soft, warm rolls, and a garlic roasted potatoes and veggie melody. It stunned Alana how kind and friendly Alex and Dawn were. They accepted her into the group without hesitation. They had lived through nightmares of their own and look at them now. With two strong adoring men who were totally dedicated to them.

  Dinner was relaxed and comfortable. Laughter, stories, jokes, and compliments drifted around the table. This was what she missed. A close family. People who were the very fabric of your life. People who moved with you on your journey, holding your hand for strength, kicking your ass for motivation and giving it to you straight and honest when an easy lie would suffice. Alana absorbed the loving connections among this group of friends that became such a close-knit family. Ace was beyond lucky, if he didn’t know it. Ace’s father dedicated his whole life to his child. He taught Ace to be a responsible, caring, honorable man. Alana felt a deep rush of love for Ace flow through her. She felt her already huge smile stretch wider. Alana was a part of this group of extraordinarily warm and loving people, her, quiet and bumbling, her, a part of them. Another wonderful gift from Ace, a chosen family. Not one you had to love, but one you chose to love.

  Ace held her hand on top of the table as he bantered with Kane about some new motorcycle that Kane called “The Shit,” while Ace claimed it was a “Piece of Shit”. Dawn and Alex laughed about Jordan’s first day at Day Care, where he told his teacher that she didn’t tell the story at story time like his daddy. ‘The big bad wolf was called the big badass wolf’. Alana laughed, she was anxious to get to know David’s little man in person. Life didn’t get any better than this.

  The piercing blare of an alarm sliced through the condo. Alana’s heart stopped, then kicking in her chest. The men were on their feet instantly, weapons appearing in their hands out of nowhere.

  “Upstairs,” David yelled.

  A loud bang sent the front doors splintering and flying off its hinges. Before the women could escape, men ran in dressed in black tactical gear, carrying assault weapons. Alana recognized Bates, they all wore black bandanas over their faces except for him. Mason Bates wore a smug grin that caused the food in Alana’s stomach to curdle.

  Ace maneuvered her behind him towards the far wall alongside Alex a
nd Dawn.

  “What the fuck is the meaning of this?” David roared.

  “We want Ruiz, that’s all. Let her come with us and were out of here.” Bates shouted.

  “Fuck you. Where’s your warrant Bitch?” Kane shot back, his eyes moving around the room.

  “Did you think it would be that easy? You burst in here and we would hand Alana over to you? Ace’s face was set in stone. “You got life twisted, dumb ass. I’ll die before I let you put one finger on her.”

  “Now that’s what I was hoping for, Boy Scout. It’s simply not in your DNA to let an innocent get hurt.” Bates gestured towards his team. “You’re outnumbered here, but please, please do make a move.”

  Alana’s legs buckled when Bates aimed his gun at Ace. Bates would do it. He didn’t care one bit about killing innocent people. He would mow them all down for that flash drive. Ace would be the first to go, his overpowering hatred for Ace hung heavy in the air.

  They were trapped. Alana took a quick glance to her side. Dawn stood in front of Alex while Alex pushed on her back. The two of them grappled for position in a desperate attempt to protect one another. They had nothing to do with her messed up situation, their lives were at stake, Alex, and her unborn child’s life was threatened.

  Ace blocked her with his body. He was tense and ready for anything, but not for her next move.

  Alana dashed out from behind him. “I’ll go!” She shouted. “Have your men put away their guns and I’ll go with you.”

  Ace lunged for her as she stepped towards Bates.

  Alana avoided his grasp, holding up her hand to stop him. “He can’t do anything to me, not until he gets the flash drive.” She stared hard into Ace’s eyes and prayed he got the message.

  Ace’s face went rigid. “No Alana, he can hurt you, kill you.”

  “Think of Alex, think of the baby. We can’t do this here.” Alana forced her feet forward. “I’m not afraid Ace.”

  “You got more balls than your man. I wanted to take your ass out tonight, so bad I could taste it.” Bates grabbed Alana with one hand, and leveled his gun on Ace. Two red dots appeared on Bates’ jacket over his heart. He swore and lifted his hands. A fine sheen of sweat beaded his upper lip.